Thrilling reads on deck for 2023!

We are proud to announce several new titles for 2023! Here’s a brief bit about some of them:

From That to This by Nemat Saidi
13.8 billion years ago, the Big Bang began the conception of life in the universe. 9.2 billion years after that, the first thermonuclear fusion in the heart of our sun was the birth of humanity itself.

From That to This is a journey through the evolution of elements, from the simple element of hydrogen to the last man-made element in the periodic table, oganesson (P=118). However, the whole spectrum of electromagnetic radiations has been practically unchanged since the Big Bang. As a matter of fact, the cosmic microwave background radiations from the time of the Big Bang still linger around the whole universe. From these radiations, astrophysicists can measure and calculate the authenticity of the Big Bang theory.

This book will take you through the creation of the atom bomb and its unimaginable destructive power. It will pass through the end of WWII, the time in which scientists came to their senses and dedicated the atomic industry to humanitarian efforts––such as lighting up thousands of cities and saving millions of lives in the medical field. In the final chapter, there is an emphasis on some of the procedures done in departments of nuclear medicine in order to familiarize college students, the public, and patients who may need some clarification on these matters.

Total Immersion by Gary Preisler

Chicago, 2030. The next chapter of the technology revolution has arrived with Total Immersion—a virtual reality system that transports users into artificial worlds. TI junkies lose themselves in long nights with celebrities or weekends with long-lost spouses. Detective Sam Knight, a renowned homicide investigator with a dark past, deeply familiar with the allure—and danger—of the all-too-real fantasies.

He is partnered with bright-eyed rookie Tommy Fincher, and together they set out on a case more brutal and bizarre than anything they have ever seen before—in reality or illusion. As the mystery deepens and victims pile up, the hunt for the killer leads Sam and Tommy through surreal encounters and into the web of a cryptic, brilliant puppet master.

Fancy Dancer and the Seven Drums by John Roskelley

A nine-year-old Nez Perce Fancy Shawl pow wow dancer, Beth Louie, is killed on the reservation by a hit-and-run drunk driver while walking home from the bus stop with her younger brother. Tire marks and boot tracks on the remote gravel road suggest to a Colville tribal member Ben Moses and his grandson, Alex, who find the two children, that the driver of a pick-up truck tampered with the scene and evidence, and hid the body. Tribal law enforcement and the FBI are stymied, but evidence points to a white cattle rancher from Omak as the prime suspect. In the prejudicial environment of the 1950s, will an all-white Spokane jury convict and send the killer to jail?

Order links for these three titles will be available in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
