Out of This World Pack

Out of This World Pack


The Out of This World Pack contains:

  • Punk Rock and UFOs: Cryptozoology by Mike Damante

  • Punk Rock and UFOs: True Believers by Mike Damante

  • The Dhakris: Awakening by Elizabeth Geeslin

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Punk rock and UFOs: Cryptozoology meets Anarchy challenges our own inner process of belief by examining our cognition, memories, and media literacy. Raise your fist and rebel against the conventions of traditional thought and nightly news coverage to expand your mind to accept the countless possibilities that are out there. Personal experiences, anecdotes and thought-provoking theories are all put together in an unconventional punk-rock presentation to bring in any true believer or casual observer.


Punk Rock and UFOs: True Believers tackles topics like process of belief, religion, mythology, popular culture, disclosure, media, technological advances, science, the unexplained, the UFO phenomena becoming mainstream all in a thought-provoking package aimed at the common reader, as well as the UFO community. New theories, research, reports, and questions try to connect the unknown in ways accessible to the UFO newbie, as well as any veteran ufologist. The book features quotes from some of the biggest names in UFO research, academia, pop culture and even punk rock. Who are these people who dedicate their time and resources to research UFOs? Who are these regular people researching extraordinary things, and what are the commonalities with those who aren’t initiated in the beliefs of the unknown? In a time where UFOs are slowly creeping more and more into the mainstream consciousness, it is important that we as a society WANT to know the truth, and are actively seeking it. ‘True Believers’ is that wake-up call that looks to bridge the gap between the UFO research community and the mainstream.


Through time jumping, dimension traveling and a few other twists of the unknown, Jessica travels alone down the rabbit hole of her sister’s disappearance for the clarification she needs—even when Dominic warns her that she shouldn’t. But will Jessica have to sacrifice being what she truly is to save the only sister that she has?

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