Good for You

Good for You


by Claire Chitham and Kylie Bailey
Release Date: February 1, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-942549-72-7

“I’ve lived with Crohn’s Disease and learned to love my guts on a daily basis. It only took me 20 years! I’m here to share my lessons, wins & mistakes with you in the hopes that you might learn from them a little faster than me.” - Claire

Together, actress Claire Chitham and journalist Kylie Bailey share their combined knowledge on their GUT + CELLULAR health and offer up 76 different ways you can experiment, taste, trial and learn to grow a better relationship with your own health and vitality.

** This book is written by a New Zealand author and references resources from New Zealand.**

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Actress Claire Chitham has been free from Crohn’s Disease for 20 years. She tells her story about suffering from a chronic and ‘incurable’ bowel condition while starring on national television and shares how she has learned to stay on top of her health and vitality ever since.


Journalist Kylie Bailey has suffered from anxiety since she was five. At 34, she got made redundant from the magazine industry and shifted the focus of her life towards health. She discusses her ups and downs and how she’s learned to manage her mental health in this busy, complex world.

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