Paxton Smith featured on The 74

Paxton Smith, the 2021 valedictorian from Lake Highlands High School in Dallas, Texas whose valedictorian address about the recent passing of the “Heartbeat bill” into Texas law, which prohibits abortion after a fetal heartbeat and excludes exceptions for incest or rape, went viral, has been featured on The 74.

In the Q&A, Smith talks about her speech, becoming a musician, and sharing ignored abortion stories in her upcoming book, A War on My Body: A War on My Rights.

A riveting, educational, and powerful assemblage from a multitude of global leaders, entertainers, educators, medical and legal professionals spanning several generations and walks of life, A War on My Body; A War on My Rights chronicles the history of abortion rights, its role in gender equality and its cruciality to healthcare infrastructure while offering a mosaic of raw, passionate perspective of the crisis concerning women's reproductive rights and the dire impending consequences should the right to choose wane in the United States and on a global scale. It is a tribute to leadership and advocacy, illuminating the voices of those willing to take a stand on an issue that has long been cloaked in controversy and dishonor.

Click here to read the interview with Paxton Smith.

Click here to purchase a copy of A War on My Body.
