Getting Out of. a Reading Slump

These insights come from DAP editor Ashley Crantas.

Q: How do you get out of a reading slump?

Ashley: Sometimes, your mind just needs a reset. My number one bit of advice is to get out of the house and spend some time outdoors; even if you have to toss on a rainjacket and galoshes. Being in nature, for me, is relaxing and reinvigorating. But, in any case, going out to a coffee shop or museum can be refreshing yet mentally stimulating enough to keep your mind going, even if it's in low-power mode. I essentially read for a living, so being able to reset is important. Often, your brain wants different media--podcasts, videogames, shows, etc. On occasion, I just need to have my program read the manuscript text aloud to me so it's easier to process. If none of that works, then stop trying so hard. Give your mind a break. We have so much information being thrown at us all the time, so many platforms and mediums trying to get our attention, that we need to let ourselves become 'bored' enough that we can reinvest whole-heartedly--kind of like how summer break is just long enough so that you eventually want to go back to school.  - Ashley, editor
