Drew Benbow featured on BNC

Drew Benbow, author of the forthcoming The Devil’s Politics, is featured in an interview on BNC, giving his opinion on the Jussie Smollett sentencing. Click here to view the interview.

The Devil’s Politics is a compelling work of fiction. It takes readers on a suspenseful ride, interweaving skillful storytelling with a provocative challenge to readers to reimagine Black participation in American politics.

Damion and Devon are identical twins. But it’s their differences that set them onto diverging life paths, resulting in their eventual estrangement.

Devon grapples with his identity. He’s black, and a low-level aide to a Republican congressman. He’s forced to reckon with his politics and his social consciousness when one of the congressman’s past misdeeds lands them both in the center of a national scandal.

Deemed a bad apple from childhood, Damion’s story collides with Devon’s when a pair of hitmen track Damion from his Army base in Afghanistan all the way to Devon’s Washington, D.C. doorstep.

Amid this all, a love triangle involving both brothers sparks an ember of rage in a woman that grows into a homicidal blaze.

The Congressman’s scandal, Damion’s hitmen and the woman’s scorn test the brothers’ already strained relationship.

At its core, The Devil’s Politics challenges systems of power, suggesting a hot take alternative to contemporary black political participation, with the aim of strengthening black political empowerment in America.

The Devil’s Politics will be available in summer 2022. Click here to preorder.
