David Shlim celebrates book launch in Nepal

Dr. David Shlim, MD celebrated the international release of his memoir, A Gentle Rain of Compassion, in Nepal on November 21, 2022. The book launch was held on the rooftop of the Hotel Tibet International in Kathmandu on a beautifully clear evening with the Himalayan mountains in view. About 100 people attended, and they purchased about 100 books. The audience included Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche and Phakchok Rinpoche, two of Dr. Shlim’s closest Tibetan Buddhist teachers, along with the American ambassador, the Swiss ambassador, and the Australian ambassador.

This compellingly written memoir is a grand adventure tale of travel in Nepal and Tibet, tense and highly emotional medical encounters, new romances, and ground-breaking medical research. For all the readers who dream about what it might be like to travel to the Himalayas and achieve a genuine spiritual connection, this book is the story of how that dream can come true.

Click here to order A Gentle Rain of Compassion.
