Abortion rights back in the spotlight; author Paxton Smith featured on MSNBC

The Texas Legislature’s passage of Senate Bill 8 has thrust abortion rights back into the national spotlight. SB8, also known as the “Heartbeat Bill,” bans abortions after approximately six-weeks gestation, severely limiting the availability of abortion services in the state of Texas. The legislation does not make exceptions for rape or incest. It would also pave the way for anyone to sue a Texas abortion provider, or any individual who assisted someone in obtaining an abortion, for up to $10,000.

Paxton Smith, who first came to fame after her high school valedictorian speech went viral for addressing Gov. Greg Abbott and the impact that this law could have on her future if implemented, was recently featured on the Alex Witt Show on MSNBC. Click here to view the clip.

Paxton is the collaborative lead for the forthcoming book, A War on My Body: A War on My Rights.

A War on My Body: A War on My Rights chronicles the history of abortion rights, its role in crucial gender equality and women’s rights. It is also a tribute to leadership and advocacy, illuminating the voices of those willing to take a stand on an issue that has long been cloaked in controversy.

Click here to order A War On My Body: A War On My Rights.

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