Di Angelo Publications


Dangle high above where most mortals fear to tread

Never have so many fun, classic climbing tales been wrapped up in a memoir. This book is part climbing history, part memoir, and part travelogue. Russ Clune truly is a lifer. His 45 years of climbing have bridged multiple eras. He has had the good fortune to climb with many of the best names in climbing history over this time, and The Lifer: Rock Climbing Adventures in the Gunks and Beyond, does a great job sharing many of the most classic stories.


 An exciting story about souls yearning to be free

Something deep in the soul of humanity yearns for the heroic, for persuasive illustrations of the battle between good and evil, liberation and oppression, masculine and feminine forces both in conflict and in complement with one another. Historical novels done well, like David Morris’ Revolting Slaves,anchor history within the embrace of myth and the living specificity of a story with its universal patterns that do not age.


 Can a dog really save a man’s life?

From age fifty to fifty-one, I walked and talked with Duder every day. Three very important changes to my thought processes occurred during this year:  

  1. Awareness. I became conscious that I was unhappy, and I acknowledged this and accepted it.  

  2. Choice. I made a conscious decision to do something about it, to try and shift how I felt. 

  3. Reason. I wrote down, studied, and pondered all the reasons why I needed to make changes. 

Dude and Duder is the transformation story of Jeff “Dude” Goodrich. See how the power of reflection and compassion can radically change your life.


 Meet lovable William, who is a weirdo

William is a Weirdo is, above all else, a story about the triumph of being oneself. After all, being ourselves is perhaps the hardest thing that any of us will ever have to do.

Although it might be hard at times - in the end, weirdos win - because there's power in not fitting in.

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 Have you met Little Buck the Fire Truck?

Little Buck is the oldest, smallest fire truck at his fire station. One night, a bolt of lightning sparks a wildfire just outside of town. All of the bigger, newer engines race off to battle the blaze, leaving Little Buck behind. But as time passes and the fire grows, he rushes off to join them. Little Buck passes evacuating townspeople who cheer him on as he heads for the fire and his engine friends. He finds them deep in the forest, just as they run out of water. That’s when Little Buck proves that he’s not too small to make a big difference.


 Matt George’s most compelling profiles over his career as a surf journalist compiled in new book

“George has done for surfers what Steinbeck did for dust bowl drifters. Let it thunder through your soul.” – John Long

With In Deep, readers are transported into the heart of the surfing world’s rich culture through the eyes and imagination of a master storyteller. George’s personality profiles, essays, travel accounts, and photography achieve a level of frank articulation that reveal as much about the writer as it does his subjects. Evoking peak experience and quiet reflection, famous beaches and lost islands, competitive triumphs and personal tragedies, In Deep is a compelling montage assembled by both observer and participant in the sublime pursuit of the passion that comes in waves.

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 Iconic photographer Dean Fidelman showcases life’s work in forthcoming release

Oversized, hardbound, full color art book featuring the life work of iconic photographer Dean Fidelman coming Fall 2023.

Click below to learn about the exclusive, limited-time, reduced price offer.


 Whimsical verse for children and misidentified grownups

I Smile at the Sun is a perky and at times poignant staging of rhymes, tongue-twisters and Dr. Seuss-like poems for children and "misidentified grownups." Between comic takes on childhood--trading ice cream, bathtub fears, bugs and Simon Says--the poems by Judith Barrett Lawson offer wisdom on loss, old age and the importance of dreams.


John Roskelley’s debut historical fiction thriller now available

“Roskelley, a writer and adventurer familiar with characters who are defined by their terrain, tells a sweeping tale of Eastern Washington, with its mix of Indigenous and White characters, spanning over 50 years.  The focus of the story is on Pete Louie’s family, including his wife Ann, and children Danny and Beth.  But there are many memorable characters along the way, including Charlie Whitehorse, who doesn’t miss a thing, Alex and Ben Moses, and Jack and Jake Johnson whose existence threatens the lives of our main characters.  Roskelley makes his characters come alive, without falling into classic White man and Indian cliches, to tell a tragic story that resonates to present day.”

-Scott Rosenfelt, one of Hollywood’s most successful independent producers and script writers


 Wienerschnitzel available for pre-order

John Galardi's life is the story of a self-made man who revolutionized the fast-food industry and built a legacy of success spanning generations. His dedication, drive, and business savvy took Wienerschnitzel from the little hot dog stand that could to a booming international triumph. That mantle has now passed to his son, JR, who was taught firsthand by his father to lead the family company into the bright future of tomorrow.

J.R. Galardi was recently named one of QSR’s 35 Young Leaders to Watch. Read more here.

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 Brad Gobright’s story and legacy
told in The Greater Fool

For as long as stories have been told, we’ve had a peculiar fascination with the wayward among us, with those we call the fools. Our histories are flush with those who stand at the edge of reason, of those who see what others cannot. Among the archetypes, the Greater Fool holds a most special place within the canon. Standing there unphased after the dust and the punchlines settle, the Greater Fool is the one who hangs on when all others let go, the one who turns into the storm when all common sense and foot traffic points the other way. Where the world around them sees only an empty promise, the Greater Fool maintains there is yet worth to be discovered still. Intrepid and unwitting as they may be, they’re also the ones we need. As irony would have it, in every Greater Fool there’s just enough magic to pull us back in their direction. Just enough light for truth to shine an arc of redemption. This is the story of Brad Gobright, one such anomaly who shined for us all a most special and unending light.

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Title that helped make DAP is timely once again

Given the current economic situation and looming recession, explore slim thug’s thoughts on
how to survive a recession



Face Challenges Head On and Take Control of Your Life

Into the Storm by Danny Farrar recounts the story of a man who has faced many hardships in his life, from childhood trauma to the struggles of relationships, the military, and adulthood. He recounts his life and the lessons he has learned so far in order to empower readers to take control of their lives, face their inner demons, and use their trauma to become stronger. Farrar shares his story for the readers to understand that the only way to take control of their life is to become the buffalo and face all your problems head-on.


Award-winning A Gentle Rain of Compassion now available

This is one of those rare books that makes you a captive from the first sentence. In episodes, we learn about the life of a medical doctor whose career initially looked in no way promising, but who surprisingly became one of the first rescue doctors in the Himalayas and subsequently a world-renowned researcher who discovered a new organism causing a particularly serious form of diarrhea.

With a superb style, he describes his step-by-step learning process with honesty and modesty. The exceptional aspect of this life story, however, is founded on Dr. Shlim’s close contacts with Tibetan lamas and meditation teachers. The gripping chapters describe how Buddhist practice transformed the way he approached patients.

Although the emotional roots of David Shlim are in the mountains of Asia, among his friends and colleagues he became known as the Socrates of travel medicine. His fascinating memoirs are touching — highly recommended for anyone with an open mind.

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 50 Artists offers a peek inside Houston’s art scene

In a time when we have all been challenged to overcome unique obstacles and focus on the silver linings in our lives, art is important.

Art can delight our senses and provide us with a feeling of comfort. It can share a message to encourage and inspire us. It can be a tool to communicate and discuss important issues in our society. Art can be a healing force. In creating, viewing and enjoying art, we find common bonds that connect us and help us better understand one another. Art is many things to many people, but the common denominator is that art is a profound form of experiencing and connecting with our society, our environment and ourselves.

The Houston art community is a thriving entity that embodies that special experience and connection. “50 Artists” is a time stamp of the Houston art scene in the year 2022. It is a collection of artists and artwork that depict an age of building community and abundant creativity.

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JEB CORLISS has dedicated his life to human flight. He is a professional skydiver and BASE jumper, also known for his wingsuit piloting and shark diving. Corliss has made more than 2,000 jumps from locations such as the Eiffel Tower, Golden Gate Bridge, Angel Falls in Venezuela, the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and a half-mile deep cave in China. He also hosted the first season of Stunt Junkies on The Discovery Channel and was a technical advisor on the remake of Point Break. When he is not traveling the world, Corliss lives in Vista, California with his fiance and dog.


Jeb Corliss’
Memoirs From the Edge

Jeb Corliss is one of the most iconic BASE jumpers and wingsuit pilots of our time, and his autobiography is an odyssey into madness. Corliss breaks and rebuilds himself time and again, learning what only pain and daring can teach. The tales he brings back offer insight into the darkness that exists within the mind as well as his own unique way of coping. Many grapple with mental illness in one way or another, and Corliss gives a glaringly honest view of his struggle while traversing the world’s most dangerous sports.

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Our “Must Reads”


 Explore the wide, wild world

This self-guided journal, focused on exploring the incredible and awe-inspiring animals of this world, near and far, will help you connect (or reconnect) to the remarkable wildlife around the globe and in your own backyard.

Use code IHWL for an additional discount!


 Rolling Into Bed now available

For those of us who are afraid we don’t have what it takes to face our fears on our own, this story reminds us we have the skills and power to do so no matter how big and scary the problem, or monster, is.

In this story, a child remembers how to use Jiu-Jitsu she knows to face her bedtime fear of monsters being under the bed. In so doing she remembers the real reason she learned this martial art, gains new friends through earning their respect, and teaches them the right way to go to sleep.


GRLPWR: Meet NASA “Blueberry” Alyssa Carson in Ready for Liftoff

Alyssa Carson has been training to go to space since she was five years old. By nineteen, she became an aquanaut, skydiver, pilot, global speaker, and the youngest person to graduate from the Advanced Space Academy. Her goal is to be on the first mission to Mars, which is projected for the early 2030s.

In Ready for Liftoff, she reflects on her journey so far, discussing hard-won achievements, mental and physical training, academics, and guidance offered to her by mentors from organizations such as NASA and Space Camp. With this unique guide based on her own substantial experience, she answers her most-asked question: “How can I become an astronaut?”

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Afghanistan: The End of the US Footprint and the Rise of the Taliban Rule

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Overnight, Afghanistan dramatically transformed. One chapter – a twenty-year epoch heralded by the attacks of September 11, the U.S. invasion and propping up an ailing government – shuttered on August 15, 2021. Another entirely new – albeit old – chapter flipped open under the stringent ruling of the Taliban.

Veteran war reporters – writer Hollie McKay and photographer Jake Simkin – walk you through the fall of the U.S. and the rise of the Taliban, drawing you into the minds of the new regime and into the hearts of the Afghanistan people.

“Afghanistan: The End of the U.S. Footprint and the Rise of the Taliban Rule” is a chilling bloody, yet beautiful visual expedition through one of the most magical yet wounded parcels of the planet. It is a place where poppies grow wild and men in the mountains cradle guns like children. It’s a place where kits fly high, and everyone has a war story, even though most never chose to go to war.



Icarus Syndrome

Taking risks and exploring the unknown are as vital to human beings as our need for air, for growth, for affirmation that we exist for something. These 19 stories reach deep into humanity’s compulsion for the rush of new experiences. But gently, because it’s not only records we might shatter. When does adventure turn to recklessness? What happens when we toe the edge above the void and face the big silence, where we might see God -- and die without warning? The Icarus Syndrome seeks to capture our push for more and hold it to the light, lofty and free, for as long as we dare tempt the downward slip. Both are possible; only one is assured.

Signed copies available now!


Our Imprints.




Narrative / Adventure Writing



Business / How to/ New Ideas


Mystery/ Thriller / Sci-Fi / Horror








Biography / Autobiography / Memoirs

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Maintain Eye Contact While Shaking Hands

Sam wakes up early on July 4th to the news that his Dad is getting ready to deploy again. They spend an action-packed day together, learning life lessons along the way about being a man. How will Sam harness his unique impulses and strengths to deal with an aggressive bully? Will he work hard and persevere when faced with adversity? How should he handle an accidental punch during a battle royale wrestling match?

This book introduces positive male principles and ideas that have become lost or diluted over time, reinforces traditional values, and offers parents the framework to foster meaningful discussions and encourage their young men—ensuring their social, moral, and masculine development—while making the most of the time they spend together as a family.

RELEASE DATE: July 22, 2021


Let’s tell your story to the world.

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